Step 1: Deal information to be sent to those registered
As rental and business opportunities become available, it will be shared with the community to solicit interest.
Those registered will receive material on investment opportunity.
If you are interested, you will confirm your intetnion to attend a due diligence meeting and receive detailed material about the investment opportunity.
Step 2: Due dilligence meeting & site visit
At this stage, a due dilligence meeting will be held with the investment team, operating team and you will be provided with an opportunity for a site visit.
You will have an opportunity to ask questions at this stage and detailed informaiton will be shared on the project including historical financials, and project improvement plans to generate increased income and equity value.
The due diligence window will typically be 2 weeks from our first meeting. During this time we will be available to answer your questions.
Step 3: Expression of interest
At this stage, you will be asked to provide an expression of interest in moving ahead to the contract stage.
This is a non-binding intention, it simply indicates how much you would like to invest
Step 4: Contract & Deposit
You will receive a contract for review.
If you decide to proceed, you will sign back with a deposit cheque of 10% of the investment amount to secure your allocation, made payable 'in trust' to a lawyer to ensure safegurading until closing.
Step 5: Closing
At closing, and upon the property being acquired and registered for the benefit of the Partnership, all funds are released from the "in trust" account to settle with the seller.
Step 6: Communication
Investors will receive a quarterly update during the first year of operations.
During the second year, and onward, communication will be annual, with full financial statements and management discussion and analysis of operations. The annual communication is intended to set the tone that we are building a long-term compounding business, and a business' value is created over years not quarters.
Annual Investor Meeting: each year, an annual meeting of investors will be held.
Rental Vacancies: As vacancies arise, they will be communicated to all investors and those interested are welcome to apply to become tenants.
A formal market will be available in which we facilitate the matching of buyers and sellers.
All Renters must be either Equity Investors or Income Investors in any residential rental project.
You are given preferrential treatment in renting a unit in any residential rental project, including those you have not directly invested in.
The investment contract will detail out the rights of investors to become Renters.